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SEGD MSP: 3M Mini Trade Show

Hosted by: Adam Halverson SEGD MSP Chapter Chair; Jesse Yungner Chapter Co-Chair, Gretta Fry Chapter Co-Chair.

Location: 3M Innovation Center, Maplewood, MN

On Wednesday, September 14th we had the pleasure of attending the 3M Innovation Trade Show, hosted by our SEGD Chapter Chairs and 3M Innovation Center. Not only did we enjoy connecting with local SEGD members and learning about other local sign businesses, we also received more information about 3M history and their vast array of product lines on our exclusive Innovation Center tour.

Take a look at your desk. Do you see your favorite Post-It Notes? And what about the tape dispenser and scissors? 3M makes those too. These are just a few of many products 3M makes and you can find them just about everywhere.

Not only are 3M products necessary in our everyday life, but they each play a crucial role in our business helping to produce the products designers, architects, and sign company's need.

3M, a well-known name in the manufacturing industry contributes many supplies to make sign manufacturing possible. Listed below are only a few of many 3M products used to manufacture Encompass Sign products;

·        Abrasives;  

o  3M Standard Abrasives – We use this product to add a smooth and clean finish to sign edges.

o   Protecting our employees by giving them 3M Spray Coverall to wear while painting signs to protect them from harmful chemicals, dust, and debris that occurs while painting.

·        Tapes;

o   3M Scotchblue, we use during the painting process when adding intricate details to multiple signs and systems.

·        Decorative Finishes

o   We use 3M products like Di-Noc as a decorative feature in tactile signs. We utilize thermoforming to embed the Di-Noc to create our EMBED-press line, as shown below.

To learn more about our thermoforming process, follow this link or contact us.

Thank you SEGD MSP, 3M and sponsors for organizing another educational and exciting event. We look forward to attending future events!

A Gold Timex to Photopolymer ADA Signage!

Thanks for your service to industry for the last 25 years. Photopolymer signs have been the predominant choice of designers for tactile ADA signage for a quarter of a century. Thankfully, at the inception of ADA legislation in the late 80’s and early 90’s photopolymer signs provided a standard process and uniform look for ADA signage. 

Without photopolymer ADA signs, designers in the 90’s would have chosen sub-standard, ineffective and random sign designs for their building environments. 

Before Beanie Babies, the World Wide Web, and before anyone understood the importance of branding…. photopolymer signs made it easier to outfit a building with ADA signs.  Even after the Japanese tsunami forced core prices to double, photopolymer signs remained the only good choice for designers. Thankfully, new technology has finally evolved. 

Thermoformed ADA signs give designers the creative latitude and durability that designers need to meet their client’s branding needs, at an appealing price point.  It’s no surprise that according to Dodge Analytics, “Thermoformed ADA signs” saw an increase of 237% in Specifications in 2016. Thermoformed signs are now universally acknowledged in Specs as an “approved equal” to photopolymer signs and that’s a big win for ADA thermoforming manufacturers. Those who really know about the differences between photopolymer ADA signs and thermoformed ADA signs are knocking clients off their feet with new ideas never available until now.

Photopolymer signs are still plenty viable.  There are over 3,000 sign-makers that still maintain their relationship with the two surviving raw material photopolymer providers. Machinery needed to produce these signs still exists and is almost free to get started; it’s the raw photopolymer material price increases to watch out for...  While Father Time and new technology may have caught up to photopolymers signs, their contribution and service to the industry over the last 25 years certainly must be treasured!   

To learn how to use this new thermoforming ADA technology and provide your design team a new design tool belt, durability and scalable branding offering, follow this link or simply contact us 855-672-2201

Adam Halverson, Chief Strategist :

About Encompass Sign Systems

Encompass Sign Systems specializes in thermoformed tactile signs and leading-edge directional and wayfinding systems. We provide designers and architects with highly scalable wholesale signage that have limitless branding capabilities and unsurpassed durability.